After they make a diagnosis, your provider may use imaging tests such as a PET-CT scan to monitor your condition and guide your personalized treatment plan.
Imaging technologists can combine a positron emission tomography (PET) scan with a computed tomography (CT) scan to provide a more detailed image, called a PET-CT scan. They can take the scans at the same time. By combining these two imaging tests, your provider receives more detailed information and images, which leads to a better treatment plan.
At Baptist Health, you can expect a PET-CT scan experience that is:
- High-quality. Our PET-CT scanning machines produce detailed images that providers rely on to form an accurate treatment plan. High-quality images lead to high-quality care.
- Convenient. Choose from one of our many locations close to where you live.
- Friendly. Our team can answer all your questions so you know what to expect. Board-certified radiologists and technologists guide you through the process and prioritize your comfort, safety and positive experience.
Schedule Your PET-CT Scan Today.
PET-CT scan locations
Baptist Health is here to support you through every stage of your health journey, beginning with getting your PET-CT Scan at any of our diagnostic imaging locations. Online appointment scheduling is available for a PET-CT Scan. Select a convenient location on the map to schedule.
Frequently Asked Questions about PET-CT scans
A PET-CT scan appointment can take around two hours in total, including preparation time. The scan itself takes 25 to 45 minutes, depending on the body part imaged and the purpose of the scan.
Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes you can easily move in. Dress warmly in layers for comfort. Because metal interferes with the images, do not wear any jewelry or metal accessories.
You will get your results in 24 to 72 hours. The fastest and easiest way to see your results is through the PineApp. Baptist Health’s app helps you easily manage your healthcare — including viewing PET-CT scan results — from any mobile device.
Yes, a PET-CT scan uses a radioactive tracer to highlight key areas and their function. However, the amount of radioactivity is low, and the benefits of the scan can positively inform your care.
You may experience brief discomfort when placing the IV for the tracer. The actual PET-CT scan is painless and noninvasive. While you lie comfortably on a table, it moves you into the PET-CT ring.

Proven Quality
Baptist Health PET-CT scans produce clear, high-quality images your provider can use to tailor your care plan. We are accredited by the American College of Radiology, so our medical imaging staff have the needed experience and qualifications.