The mission of the Baptist Health Innovations, a business unit of Baptist Health South Florida, is to engineer the future of healthcare by providing physicians and staff with world-class resources to turn great ideas into transformative products, devices, therapies, hospitals and services.
To achieve this, the Institute has developed four innovation pillars that guide our activities. These pillars are technology management, applied research and education, corporate development and global programs. The achievement of specific goals within each of these pillars will drive healthcare innovation into the next generation and beyond.*
Pillars of Innovation
Adelgazar y eliminar la grasa son dos cosas distintas. La pérdida de agua y masa muscular puede contribuir a la reducción del peso en general, pero esto no es saludable.

Global Programs
Global programs, in collaboration with Baptist Health International (BHI), has two major efforts focused around licensing our know-how and bringing new technologies into the U.S. Our programs leverage and monetize intellectual assets that already exist at Baptist Health.
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