Our Approach
When you come to the Lynn Cancer Institute CLASSIC Program, you can expect:
- Seamless coordinated care with your cancer team; we work together with all of your doctors and healthcare providers to make sure you can feel as good as possible
- A team that specializes in helping patients cope with the physical, emotional, social and spiritual effects of cancer diagnosis and treatment
- Compassionate, respectful support through every step of your cancer journey
Frequently Asked Questions
Palliative care is individualized medical care for patients living with a serious illness, such as cancer or heart disease. This care focuses on providing relief from symptoms and stress of the illness, with the goal of improving the quality of life for the patient and family.
Palliative care is based on the unique needs of the patient and not the patient’s prognosis. It is helpful at any stage of an illness and we can offer it together with cancer treatment. Palliative care is different from hospice care, which is supportive care for patients with a shorter life expectancy (six months or less) whose treatment is focused on comfort.
The CLASSIC Program is an outpatient program, which means we meet with patients who are receiving cancer treatment but are not staying in the hospital. While we don’t visit patients during their hospital stays, we do work closely with Boca Raton Regional Hospital healthcare providers to offer support for Lynn Cancer Institute patients undergoing treatment or care there. This collaboration helps provide a more seamless transition of care once the patient leaves the hospital.
Our program offers telemedicine appointments if you’re not able to travel to Lynn Cancer Institute. We can also meet with you during medical appointments or while you’re undergoing chemotherapy treatment at Lynn Cancer institute.

Meet the Team
Our team includes:
- Patricia Jacobs, MD, an internal medicine doctor who has special training in palliative medicine
Clinical Trials
At Lynn Cancer Institute, we treat cancer in today’s patients and offer hope for those who may get the disease in the future. Through clinical trials, we study promising new ways to diagnose and treat cancer. As our patient, you have access to these trials and treatments that aren’t widely available elsewhere. If a clinical trial may be right for you, we’ll talk with you about the potential benefits and risks. We make your overall well-being and safety our top priority if you choose to participate.